The name of the Association shall be Jubilee Allotment Holders Association (JAHA) referred to as the Association
The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the interests of the Members and the Landlord with regard to the proper cultivation, good management and the enjoyment of the Allotments. In particular:
To provide an effective vehicle through which communication between the allotment plot holders and the Parish Council/County Council could be maintained.
-To assist the Parish Council in identifying non-active plots/tenants
-To bring to the notice of the Parish Council prime concerns of allotment plot holders.
-To harness the enthusiasm of allotment plot holders and convert this into effective use of resources, skills and abilities for the improvement of the Allotment
-To support the Parish Council/County Council in focusing allotment spending to maximum effect
-To appoint representatives to sit on the Parish Council/County Council Allotments Working Group
-To work with other groups in the local areas to widen public support for allotments.
-To maintain and improve the condition of the site as a whole and to encourage and educate others to do the same.
-To conduct negotiations with the Parish Council/County Council as Landlord and others.
The Constitution of the Association shall be
Every member shall be provided with a copy of this constitution upon signing and agreeing to tenancy of a Plot with the Parish Council.
Every member undertakes to abide by this Constitution and any alterations that maybe made in accordance with the rules or at the Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting or an Extraordinary Meeting.
Membership of the Association
The Association shall consist of Jubilee Allotment Plot Holders, who have a current agreement with the Parish Council to hold a plot.
All Members must pay the appropriate Jubilee Allotment Holders Association annual subscription. Failure to pay this subscription will mean expulsion from Jubilee Allotment Holders Association and you will have to surrender your plot back to the Parish Council.
The Association shall keep a record of its members to include name, address and telephone number.
Committee of Management
The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee of Management comprising a minimum of the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary though other officers may be elected if considered appropriate by a General Meeting. (Any member may attend Committee meetings as a non-voting observer without right to speak.)
The tenure of any post on the Committee and of all other officers voted for at the Annual General Meeting whether permanent or temporary shall be voluntary, unpaid and only open to Members of the Association
The officers shall be elected for the ensuing year at the Annual General Meeting by a majority vote.
Officers shall be eligible for re-election each year.
Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Committee and those so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting
The Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and other elected members of the Committee shall keep accurate records of their dealing on behalf of the Association which shall be available for inspection by Members.
Association Meetings
Members of the Association shall be eligible to vote at General Meetings, Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary Meetings
The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year at a time and place chosen by the Committee, at least 21 days notice shall be given to Members, by email and a notice being placed on the notice board in/outside the Shack.
The Treasurer shall at this meeting submit accounts for the year.
The Secretary's report shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting
The Chairman's report shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting.
Resolutions for discussion at the Annual General Meeting must be submitted to the secretary at least 7 working days before the meeting to allow preparation for the meeting.
Extraordinary Meetings
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called on the direction of the Committee or by 10 of the Members and a notice delivered to the Secretary.
All Members shall be given at least 21 days notice of such a meeting, by email and a notice being placed on the notice board in/outside the Shack.
Only the matters raised for calling the EGM will be discussed
No other business shall be taken at the meeting.
Bank Account
The Committee shall maintain a bank account in the name of the Association and all monies received from any source on behalf of the Association shall be paid into that account.
Records and accounts of all transactions shall be kept by the Treasurer.
Cheques shall be signed by a minimum of two signatories
The Association can be dissolved at a General Meeting by an affirmative vote to this effect of three quarters of the membership present and voting.
Any assets are disposed of and proceeds split between the Members.