Unfortunately we have had instances of theft and vandalism at the site. Although the nature of the site makes it difficult to make completely secure, we can make it difficult for wrongdoers. Please follow the following simply rules:
When you open the padlock for the gate make sure you have closed the padlock and scrambled the number so nobody can steal the actual lock.
The driver of the last car in the car park is responsible for locking up. The gate must be kept locked when there is no one on the site.
If you have used the shack, please make sure you lock it up after you have finished. If you have left it open for someone else to use, please make sure they have keys to lock it up.
If you are about to leave the last person in the allotment on their own, please have a chat and let them know you are going and they are the last person.
Please remember that some people arrive on foot via the back gate and won't necessarily notice the front gate is unlocked.