Jubilee Allotment Holders Association
The association of allotment holders was set up in October 2013 to look after the management of the allotments on the site which is leased by the Parish Council. All allotment holders are required by the Parish Council to be a member and join automatically when they take on the plot.
Our aims are:
To act on behalf of tenants to maintain and improve the allotments site, boundaries and access, through the authority of the Parish Council.
To regularly review the status of all plots together with the Parish Council representatives to ensure effective use is being made of the facility.
To provide on-site facilities and equipment for general use by its members.
To purchase seeds and equipment at discount on behalf of members.
In order to look after the communal areas we need lawn mowers, fuel etc. and places to keep them. We also need to be insured for public liability, for
example if the lawnmower injured someone. Members have to pay an Annual Subscription to fund this. The subscription is agreed annually at the AGM.
(Please note the Public Liability Insurance does not cover individual plot holders injuring someone please make sure you have this cover on your home insurance)
When jobs need doing a committee member will let everybody know that a "Working Party" is needed. A member of the committee will send an email out asking for help. Please make sure you volunteer when you can and don't leave it for everybody else to do.
On joining, Members are added to the email lists. An email is sent to all plotholders informing them of meetings, working parties needed, seed orders and any other problems or news as and when it arises. If a member does not have email, they will either be contacted directly or should refer to the notice boards. Emails are only used for contacting members on matters related to the allotments. Members who do not wish their emails to be stored for this purpose should contact the secretary.
A notice board is located on the shack which is used to notify members of events and concerns. It can be used by members to advertise surplus plants, produce etcetera. The key is in the shack. There are other Notice Boards inside the shack as well.
We also have a Facebook group called JAHA, and members are encouraged to join this group to get updates from the whole allotment community. You can also use it to share your news or any items of interest to other allotment holders.
Please let me know if you have any ideas for improving this website or the ways we communicate.
The allotments are on Church Road, Frampton Cotterell.